Tsubasa Kurenai

Tsubasa's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Tsubasa Kurenai
Age: 14-16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red-Orange
First Appearance (Anime): Dharma Chameleon
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 9
Love Interest: Ukyo
Loved by: No one
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: Tsubasa was a school classmate of Ukyo when Ukyo was posing as a man. Tsubasa immediately fell in love with Ukyo and showered her with gifts, all of which Ukyo refused. In the end, Ukyo had to tell Tsubasa that she was engaged to someone, which devastated Tsubasa, but not for long. Tsubasa sent love letters to Ukyo, until Ukyo finally had to send "her" a picture of the female Ranma (seeing as she thought Tsubasa thought she was a man), telling her who she was engaged to.

Tsubasa then went to where Ukyo was, and was undaunted, even when Ukyo was revealed to "her" as a girl, which, unknowing to Ukyo, Tsubasa was already aware of. Tsubasa challenged the female Ranma, whom she called "ugly" to a fight for Ukyo, holding various "cute" contests to find who was the cuter of the two girls. Ranma eventually won, and later on Tsubasa falls for Ranma herself as well as Akane. To get Tsubasa off his back, Ranma attempted to seduce Tsubasa while a man, much to the anger of Akane. In the ensuing battles afterwards, it was found that Tsubasa was really a man, and not a woman.

Personality: Tsubasa obviously delights in using his disguise skills to try and get her to notice him. Unfortunately, these little tricks only seem to upset Ukyo or annoy her. Tsubasa obviously has no problems with cross dressing.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez